1/20/2005 By: Roger Hewson Fuel injectors are one of those things most people understand, but at the same time they don’t. Obviously a fuel injector sprays fuel into the motor so what makes some injectors better than others when it comes to reliability and efficiency? There is not a lotContinue Reading

1/13/2005 By: Roger Hewson Heat is detrimental to performance; it’s the entire reason behind cooler thermostats, front-mount intercoolers, cold-air induction systems and everything else on the market today designed to cool down something under the hood. Colder air being fed into the engine makes more power and that’s the reasonContinue Reading

1/4/2005 By: Roger Hewson I was going to start this with a cliché “nobody likes dead batteries” statement, but any idiot knows having a dead battery sucks. For a motor to run it actually has to get going first and that is where the all important battery and starter comeContinue Reading

12/22/2004 By: Roger Hewson Clutches and gear ratios are a couple of the most misunderstood aspects of tuning out there. From terminology to setup to how it works, we have not come across anything more mixed up, applied wrong or just screwed up more than these two applications. It’s whyContinue Reading

12/8/2004By: Roger Hewson It’s no mystery that stock exhaust systems stink. No matter how good it might look or sound, there is something somewhere on most OE systems which makes them worth replacing. If this was not true we wouldn’t be writing this story, or the countless other exhaust installContinue Reading