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  • Definition: In the context of aviation in the UK, the A-license refers to the basic private pilot’s license. It allows individuals to fly aircraft for recreational or non-commercial purposes, subject to certain restrictions and regulations.
  • Purpose: The A-license enables pilots to operate light aircraft within specified airspace and under specific conditions, such as visual flight rules (VFR).
  • Training: Obtaining an A-license typically involves completing a structured training program that covers essential flight theory, practical flying skills, and safety procedures.
  • Privileges: A-license holders may fly solo or with passengers, but they are generally restricted from flying for hire or reward.
  • Continued Education: Pilots with an A-license may pursue further training and endorsements to expand their flying capabilities, such as instrument rating or commercial pilot certification.

See also:

  • Class A Driver’s License: A different type of license, typically referring to the highest level of commercial driver’s licenses (CDL) in certain jurisdictions, allowing individuals to operate large commercial vehicles such as tractor-trailers or buses.
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