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Definitions and Types

  1. Intermediary Agent:
  • Definition: An individual or entity authorized by a manufacturer or principal to act on their behalf in specific legal or business matters.
  • Role: Represents and carries out transactions, negotiations, or other activities on behalf of the manufacturer.
  • Example: A sales agent negotiates contracts and sells products on behalf of a manufacturing company.
  1. Chemical Substance Agent:
  • Definition: A chemical compound designed for a specific purpose, often used in industrial processes, manufacturing, or other applications.
  • Role: Serves a designated function, such as promoting a reaction, enhancing performance, or providing protection.
  • Examples: Various types of chemical agents include activating agents, anti-knock agents, release agents, and rustproofing agents.

Related Types of Chemical Agents

  • Activating Agent: Initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction.
  • Addition Agent: Added to a mixture or solution to enhance certain properties.
  • Air-Entraining Agent: Introduces air bubbles into a material to improve its workability or other characteristics.
  • Anti-Knock Agent: Added to fuels to reduce engine knock and improve performance.
  • Bonding Agent: Facilitates adhesion between two surfaces or materials.
  • Curing Agents: Promotes the curing or hardening of materials, such as adhesives or coatings.
  • Degreasing Agent: Removes grease, oils, or contaminants from surfaces.
  • Desiccant: Absorbs moisture from the surrounding environment.
  • Drying Agent: Facilitates the drying process, often used in paints, coatings, or solvents.
  • Oxidizing Agent: Causes oxidation reactions by accepting electrons from other substances.
  • Plasticizer: Increases the flexibility or workability of a material, often used in plastics and polymers.
  • Reducing Agent: Donates electrons to other substances, often used in chemical reactions.
  • Release Agent: Prevents adhesion between surfaces, facilitating easy separation.
  • Rustproofing Agent: Protects surfaces from corrosion or rust.
  • Softening Agent: Reduces the hardness or stiffness of a material.

Understanding the role and types of chemical agents is essential in various industries, including manufacturing, construction, automotive, and agriculture, where chemical substances are utilized for specific purposes.

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