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The Auto Alliance (AAM) was a prominent trade group representing major automobile manufacturers in the United States.


  • Name: Auto Alliance (AAM)
  • Type: Trade association
  • Industry: Automobile manufacturing
  • Function: Advocacy, policy influence, and representation for the auto industry
  • Merger: Merged with the Association of Global Automakers in 2019 to form the Alliance for Automotive Innovation


  1. Establishment and Mission:
  • The Auto Alliance was established as a trade group to represent the interests of major automobile manufacturers operating in the United States.
  • It served as the leading advocacy group for the auto industry, focusing on issues related to environment, energy, motor vehicle safety, and regulatory affairs.
  1. Membership and Representation:
  • The Alliance represented a significant portion of the U.S. automotive market, encompassing 77% of all car and light truck sales in the country.
  • Member companies included major automakers with a significant presence in the U.S. market, advocating for policies that supported the industry’s growth and competitiveness.
  1. Activities and Initiatives:
  • The Auto Alliance was actively involved in shaping regulatory policies related to emissions standards, vehicle safety, energy efficiency, and other industry-specific regulations.
  • It engaged with government agencies, lawmakers, and regulatory bodies to influence legislation and regulatory frameworks affecting the automotive sector.
  1. Merger and Transition:
  • In 2019, the Auto Alliance merged with the Association of Global Automakers, another trade association representing international automobile manufacturers operating in the U.S.
  • The merger resulted in the formation of the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, a new organization continuing the advocacy and representation efforts of both predecessor groups.
  • John Bozzella, who was previously with Global Automakers, became the CEO of the newly formed Alliance for Automotive Innovation.
  1. Legacy and Impact:
  • The Auto Alliance’s legacy includes its significant role in advocating for industry interests and influencing automotive policy in the United States.
  • Through its advocacy efforts, the organization contributed to shaping regulatory frameworks that impacted vehicle manufacturing, emissions standards, safety regulations, and technological innovation in the automotive sector.
  1. Continued Influence:
  • The Alliance for Automotive Innovation continues to play a crucial role in representing automakers’ interests, fostering innovation, and addressing regulatory challenges in the rapidly evolving automotive industry landscape.

The merger of the Auto Alliance with the Association of Global Automakers marked a strategic consolidation aimed at strengthening industry representation and collaboration in addressing current and future challenges facing the automotive sector in the United States.

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