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The Alternative Fuels Utilization Program (AFUP) is a program managed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) with specific goals aimed at enhancing national energy security, improving air quality, and promoting the development and widespread adoption of alternative fuels and vehicles (AFVs). Here are the key objectives and focus areas of the AFUP:

  1. Reducing Dependence on Imported Oil: The AFUP aims to decrease the United States’ reliance on imported petroleum by promoting the use of alternative fuels. This aligns with broader national energy security goals to diversify fuel sources and reduce vulnerability to oil price fluctuations and supply disruptions.
  2. Improving Air Quality: By encouraging the use of cleaner-burning alternative fuels such as ethanol, biodiesel, natural gas, propane, hydrogen, and electricity, the AFUP contributes to reducing emissions of pollutants that affect air quality. Alternative fuels generally produce fewer harmful emissions compared to conventional gasoline and diesel.
  3. Development and Deployment of Alternative Fuels: The program supports research, development, and deployment efforts to advance the production, distribution, and infrastructure of alternative fuels. This includes improving the efficiency of production processes and expanding the availability of alternative fueling stations and infrastructure across the country.
  4. Promoting Alternative Fuel Vehicles (AFVs): AFUP aims to increase the production, availability, and adoption of AFVs in the transportation sector. AFVs include vehicles powered by electricity, hydrogen fuel cells, natural gas (CNG/LNG), propane (LPG), biodiesel, and other alternative fuels.
  5. Partnerships and Collaboration: AFUP collaborates with industry stakeholders, research institutions, government agencies, and non-profit organizations to leverage expertise, resources, and funding opportunities for advancing alternative fuels and vehicle technologies.

The Alternative Fuels Utilization Program plays a vital role in advancing sustainable transportation solutions and supporting efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution associated with traditional fossil fuels in the United States.

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