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Arch Culvert

An arch culvert is a bridge feature that resembles the top half of a large tube, typically used to allow water to pass underneath roads, railways, or trails.


  • Structure:
  • The arch shape of the culvert provides strength and durability while allowing for a smooth flow of water.
  • It is often made of materials such as concrete, steel, or stone.
  • Function:
  • Designed to facilitate the movement of water in creeks, streams, or drainage channels beneath infrastructure without obstructing the flow.
  • The arch shape is beneficial for maintaining natural streambeds and minimizing the impact on aquatic habitats.
  • Environmental Benefits:
  • The arch design allows fish and other aquatic life to swim through more easily compared to other culvert shapes, promoting ecological continuity.
  • It reduces the likelihood of sediment buildup and erosion, preserving the natural stream environment.
  • Applications:
  • Commonly used in rural and urban settings for roadways, railways, pedestrian pathways, and agricultural land drainage.
  • Employed in areas where maintaining the natural flow of water and supporting wildlife movement are priorities.
  • Advantages:
  • Strong structural integrity, capable of supporting significant loads.
  • Long lifespan with minimal maintenance requirements.
  • Environmentally friendly design that supports aquatic ecosystems.
  • Installation:
  • Requires careful engineering and construction to ensure proper alignment and stability.
  • Often involves site-specific considerations, such as soil type, water flow rate, and environmental impact assessments.

Arch culverts are an essential feature in civil engineering and environmental management, providing a durable and ecologically sensitive solution for water passage under infrastructure.

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