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  • Definition:
  • Refers to the backward movement of a vessel, typically achieved by reversing the direction of the propeller or using other means to propel the ship in the opposite direction.
  • Usage:
  • Nautical Context: Commonly used in maritime navigation and operations to indicate that a vessel is moving in reverse or that the engine is set to drive the vessel backward.
  • Command: Often used as a command or directive to the engine room or pilot to initiate reverse motion.
  • Applications:
  • Docking and Maneuvering: Astern movement is essential for docking, undocking, and making precise maneuvers in tight spaces.
  • Emergency Situations: Used to stop or slow down a vessel quickly in emergency situations to avoid collisions or grounding.
  • Positioning: Helps in repositioning a vessel in relation to another object or location without turning the vessel around.
  • Mechanism:
  • Propeller Reversal: The most common method to achieve astern movement by reversing the rotation of the propeller.
  • Jet Propulsion: In vessels with jet propulsion, deflectors redirect the jet flow to create reverse thrust.
  • Sailboats: Achieving astern movement can be more complex and may involve manipulating sails and using auxiliary engines.

Understanding and executing astern maneuvers are crucial skills for mariners to ensure safe and effective vessel operation, especially in congested or confined waterways.

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