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Definition: Auto-assemble is a system used in videotape editing where selected scenes are automatically transferred and arranged in the required sequence based on a pre-selected program of time-code information.

Key Aspects

  1. System Functionality:
  • Time-Code Information: Uses time-code data to identify specific points on the videotape where scenes are located. Time codes provide precise timing information for editing and assembling.
  • Automatic Sequencing: Automatically arranges and transfers scenes according to the predetermined sequence set by the editor or program.
  1. Process:
  • Program Setup: The editor creates a sequence program that outlines the order and timing of scenes to be assembled.
  • Scene Selection: Specific scenes are selected based on their time-code information.
  • Transfer and Assembly: The system reads the time-code information and transfers the selected scenes to a new tape or digital file, arranging them in the specified sequence.
  1. Advantages:
  • Efficiency: Speeds up the editing process by automating the assembly of scenes, reducing manual effort and potential for errors.
  • Precision: Ensures accurate placement of scenes based on time-code data, improving the consistency and quality of the final edit.
  1. Applications:
  • Video Production: Used in television and film production to streamline the editing process and quickly assemble scenes for review or final cut.
  • Broadcasting: Applied in creating broadcast-ready content where scenes need to be arranged according to specific time codes.
  1. Considerations:
  • Time-Code Accuracy: The accuracy of the time-code information is crucial for proper scene assembly.
  • System Compatibility: The auto-assemble system must be compatible with the video formats and equipment used in the editing process.


Auto-assemble is a videotape editing system that uses time-code information to automatically transfer and arrange selected scenes in the desired sequence. By streamlining the editing process and ensuring precise scene placement, auto-assemble enhances efficiency and accuracy in video production and broadcasting.

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