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Automatic Slip-Control Differential (ASD)

Definition: The Automatic Slip-Control Differential (ASD) is an electronically controlled, automatic locking differential developed by Mercedes-Benz. It is designed to improve traction and stability in vehicles by automatically managing the distribution of torque between the wheels.

Key Features

  1. Electronic Control:
  • Operation: Uses electronic sensors and control systems to monitor wheel slip and adjust torque distribution.
  • Locking Mechanism: Engages or disengages the differential lock based on real-time driving conditions.
  1. Torque Distribution:
  • Traction Enhancement: Distributes torque between the wheels to maximize traction, especially on slippery or uneven surfaces.
  • Slip Management: Reduces wheel slip by automatically locking the differential when needed.
  1. Automatic Function:
  • Engagement: The differential lock engages automatically when wheel slip is detected, without requiring driver intervention.
  • Deactivation: The system disengages when normal driving conditions are restored, allowing for smooth and efficient driving.


  1. Wheel Slip Detection:
  • Sensors: Monitors wheel speeds and detects differences in rotation between the driven wheels.
  • Control Unit: Processes sensor data to determine when differential locking is required.
  1. Differential Locking:
  • Engagement: When wheel slip is detected, the ASD system engages the differential lock to transfer torque from the slipping wheel to the wheel with better traction.
  • Disengagement: The lock disengages when wheel slip is no longer present, allowing the differential to operate normally.
  1. Traction and Stability:
  • Improved Traction: Helps maintain traction on slippery surfaces such as ice, snow, or loose gravel.
  • Enhanced Stability: Contributes to vehicle stability by ensuring that power is distributed evenly between the wheels.


  1. Mercedes-Benz Vehicles:
  • Integration: Used in various Mercedes-Benz models to enhance off-road and on-road driving performance.
  • Customization: Tailored to specific vehicle models and driving conditions.
  1. All-Wheel Drive and 4WD Systems:
  • Compatibility: Can be integrated with all-wheel drive (AWD) and four-wheel drive (4WD) systems to further improve traction and control.


  • Enhanced Traction: Improves grip and stability, especially on challenging surfaces.
  • Automatic Operation: Provides automatic control without requiring manual adjustments from the driver.
  • Increased Safety: Helps prevent wheel spin and maintain control in adverse driving conditions.


The Automatic Slip-Control Differential (ASD) is an advanced traction control system developed by Mercedes-Benz. By automatically engaging and disengaging the differential lock based on real-time driving conditions, it enhances vehicle traction and stability, making it particularly effective in challenging driving environments. The system is a key feature in various Mercedes-Benz vehicles, contributing to improved performance and safety.

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