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Automatic Trolley Reverser

Definition: An Automatic Trolley Reverser is a mechanism used in tramways, specifically designed to automatically reverse the trolley collector at terminal points. This ensures that when the tram changes direction, the trolley collector aligns correctly with the overhead contact line to maintain a continuous power supply.

Key Features and Functions

  1. Purpose:
  • The automatic trolley reverser is essential in maintaining the connection between the tram and the overhead power supply as the tram changes direction at terminal points.
  1. Operation:
  • Overhead Contact Line Arrangement: The reverser is part of a specialized arrangement of the overhead contact line at the tramway’s terminal points. As the tram reaches the end of the line and prepares to move in the opposite direction, the mechanism automatically adjusts the position of the trolley collector.
  • Trolley Collector Adjustment: The trolley collector, which draws electrical power from the overhead lines, is mechanically reversed to align with the new direction of the tram. This process is automated to avoid manual intervention, ensuring efficiency and safety.
  1. Importance in Tramway Systems:
  • Operational Efficiency: By automating the reversal of the trolley collector, the system minimizes delays at terminal points, allowing for a smoother and more efficient transition between trips.
  • Safety: The automatic mechanism reduces the need for manual handling, decreasing the risk of errors or accidents that could occur during the process of manually reversing the trolley collector.
  • Consistency: Ensures that the tram maintains a reliable connection to the power supply, which is crucial for uninterrupted operation.
  1. Usage:
  • Tramways and Light Rail: Commonly used in systems where trams or light rail vehicles operate on fixed tracks with overhead electrical power lines.
  • Terminal Points: Specifically employed at the endpoints of tram routes where the direction of travel is reversed.


An Automatic Trolley Reverser is a crucial mechanism in tramway systems that automatically reverses the position of the trolley collector at terminal points. This ensures continuous power supply and operational efficiency as trams change direction, enhancing both safety and reliability in tramway operations.

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