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Autothrottle is a device used in aviation to automatically manage the power output of an aircraft’s engine, ensuring consistent performance and aiding in automatic landings.

Autothrottle Overview

  1. Functionality:
  • Power Management: The autothrottle system controls the throttle settings of an aircraft’s engines to maintain a constant speed or power level as specified by the flight control system or pilot.
  • Automatic Adjustments: It adjusts engine power automatically based on flight conditions, speed, and other parameters to keep the aircraft on its desired approach path.
  1. Applications:
  • Automatic Blind Landing: During an automatic or “blind” landing, where the pilot cannot visually reference the runway or approach path, the autothrottle maintains the correct speed and approach angle to ensure a safe landing.
  • Approach Path Control: It helps maintain the correct approach path angle and speed, contributing to a stable and controlled descent.

How Autothrottle Works

  1. Integration with Flight Control Systems:
  • Input Parameters: The autothrottle receives inputs from various flight control systems, including altitude, speed, and vertical speed indicators.
  • Throttle Adjustment: Based on these inputs, the system automatically adjusts the throttle position to achieve and maintain the desired speed and power levels.
  1. Automatic Operation:
  • Speed Control: During different phases of flight, such as cruising or approaching for landing, the autothrottle ensures the aircraft maintains the appropriate speed.
  • Power Regulation: It regulates engine power to adapt to changing flight conditions, such as variations in airspeed or altitude.


  1. Improved Safety:
  • Consistency: Provides consistent engine power and speed control, reducing the risk of errors during critical phases of flight, such as landing.
  • Reduced Pilot Workload: Automates throttle management, allowing pilots to focus on other aspects of flight management and navigation.
  1. Enhanced Precision:
  • Approach Stability: Maintains a stable approach path and speed, which is particularly useful during automated landings or in low-visibility conditions.
  1. Efficiency:
  • Optimal Performance: Helps optimize engine performance and fuel efficiency by automatically adjusting power settings as needed.

Key Features

  • Automatic Throttle Adjustment: Provides automatic control over engine throttle settings based on flight parameters.
  • Integration with Autopilot: Often integrated with the autopilot system to provide coordinated control of the aircraft’s flight path and engine power.
  • Approach and Landing Control: Ensures consistent approach speed and power levels, contributing to smooth and safe landings.


  • System Dependency: Relies on the accurate functioning of various flight control and monitoring systems. Any malfunction could affect performance.
  • Pilot Interaction: While it reduces workload, pilots still need to be proficient in understanding and managing the autothrottle system to respond to any anomalies or system failures.

Autothrottle systems enhance the safety, precision, and efficiency of aircraft operations, especially during critical phases like approach and landing, by automating the management of engine power.

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