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Backlight Compensation (BLC)

Backlight compensation (BLC) is a feature commonly found in cameras, especially surveillance cameras and some digital cameras, designed to adjust exposure settings to properly capture subjects that are backlit.

Definition and Purpose:

  • Function: Backlight compensation is a technique used in imaging devices to automatically adjust exposure settings when the subject is positioned against a bright light source, such as sunlight or artificial backlighting.
  • Scenario: Without backlight compensation, a subject in front of a bright light source might appear as a silhouette due to insufficient lighting on the subject itself.
  • Adjustment: The camera’s BLC feature opens the iris (adjusts the aperture) or adjusts other exposure parameters to ensure that the subject in the foreground is adequately exposed, despite the strong backlighting in the background.

Key Features and Implementation:

  • Automatic Adjustment: BLC typically operates automatically, detecting backlight conditions and making adjustments without requiring manual intervention.
  • Use Cases: Commonly used in surveillance cameras to ensure clear visibility of subjects entering or exiting buildings against bright outdoor lighting, or in digital cameras to enhance portrait photography against bright backgrounds.


  • Improved Visibility: Ensures that subjects in front of bright light sources are clearly visible and not obscured by excessive backlight.
  • Enhanced Image Quality: Helps maintain overall image quality by balancing exposure across the scene, reducing silhouetting and enhancing detail in both foreground and background.

Backlight compensation (BLC) is a valuable feature in cameras, providing automatic adjustments to exposure settings to optimize visibility and image quality in challenging lighting conditions where subjects are backlit. This technology plays a significant role in surveillance, photography, and other applications where capturing clear and detailed images under varying lighting conditions is essential.

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