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Ballistics refers to the scientific study of the motion and behavior of projectiles, particularly bullets, rockets, bombs, and other objects that are launched into the air or space. It encompasses three main areas:

  1. Internal Ballistics: This focuses on the behavior of a projectile while it is still within the firearm or launching device. It involves the study of factors such as pressure, velocity, and energy generated by the propellant.
  2. External Ballistics: External ballistics deals with the flight path of the projectile once it leaves the barrel or launching mechanism. It considers factors such as aerodynamics, gravity, air resistance, and wind conditions that affect the trajectory of the projectile.
  3. Terminal Ballistics: Terminal ballistics examines the behavior of a projectile upon impact with a target. It includes the study of penetration, fragmentation, and the transfer of energy from the projectile to the target.

Overall, ballistics is crucial in fields such as military science, forensic science, engineering, and sports (e.g., in the study of projectile sports like archery and shooting). It utilizes principles of physics and mathematics to analyze and predict the behavior of projectiles under various conditions.

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