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The bar-and-yoke method is a specific technique used in magnetic testing, particularly for evaluating the magnetic properties of materials.

Bar-and-Yoke Method


The bar-and-yoke method is a non-destructive testing technique used to assess the magnetic properties of a sample. The setup includes a sample bar and a yoke, which helps create a closed magnetic circuit.


  1. Sample Bar:
  • The sample is typically a bar of the material being tested.
  • This bar serves as the medium through which the magnetic flux will travel during the test.
  1. Yoke:
  • The yoke is made of a material with a large cross-sectional area and low magnetic reluctance.
  • It serves to complete the magnetic circuit, providing a low-reluctance path for the magnetic flux.


  1. Clamping the Sample:
  • The sample bar is clamped into the yoke, ensuring good contact to facilitate the flow of magnetic flux.
  • The yoke encloses the bar, effectively forming a closed loop for the magnetic field.
  1. Magnetization:
  • A magnetic field is applied to the sample bar. This can be done using an external magnetizing coil or permanent magnets.
  • The magnetic field induces a flux in the sample, which travels through the bar and returns through the yoke.
  1. Measurement:
  • Various properties can be measured during this process, such as magnetic field strength (H), magnetic flux density (B), and the material’s hysteresis characteristics.
  • Instruments such as Gaussmeters, fluxmeters, or hysteresisgraph systems are typically used for these measurements.


  1. Material Characterization:
  • The method is used to determine key magnetic properties of materials, including permeability, coercivity, and saturation magnetization.
  1. Quality Control:
  • In industrial settings, the bar-and-yoke method helps in quality control by ensuring that materials meet specific magnetic performance criteria.
  1. Research and Development:
  • The technique is employed in R&D to develop new magnetic materials or to study the effects of various treatments and processes on magnetic properties.


  1. Low Reluctance Path:
  • The yoke provides a low reluctance return path for the magnetic flux, which enhances the accuracy and efficiency of the test.
  1. Non-Destructive:
  • The method is non-destructive, meaning the sample remains intact and usable after testing.
  1. Versatility:
  • It can be applied to a wide range of materials and sample sizes.


  1. Sample Shape:
  • The method is primarily suited for bar-shaped samples and may not be easily adaptable to irregularly shaped materials.
  1. Yoke Material:
  • The choice of yoke material is critical, as it must have a significantly lower reluctance than the sample to ensure accurate measurements.

The bar-and-yoke method is a well-established technique in the field of magnetic testing, providing valuable insights into the magnetic characteristics of materials in a controlled and efficient manner.

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