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Battery and Coil Ignition System:

A battery and coil ignition system is a type of ignition system in which a battery provides the primary current to create the spark necessary for ignition in an internal combustion engine. This system is widely used in vehicles due to its reliability and simplicity.

Key Components and Functioning:

  1. Battery:
  • Provides the primary electrical power for the ignition system.
  • Ensures a consistent and reliable source of current.
  1. Ignition Coil:
  • Steps up the low voltage from the battery to a high voltage needed to create a spark.
  • Comprises two windings: primary and secondary. The primary winding receives current from the battery, and the secondary winding produces the high voltage.
  1. Distributor:
  • Routes the high voltage from the ignition coil to the correct spark plug at the correct time.
  • Contains a rotating arm (rotor) that passes near contacts connected to each spark plug wire.
  1. Spark Plugs:
  • Receive the high voltage from the distributor.
  • Create a spark in the combustion chamber to ignite the air-fuel mixture.
  1. Points/Breaker Points:
  • Mechanical switch that opens and closes to control the flow of current to the ignition coil.
  • The opening of the points causes the magnetic field in the coil to collapse, generating the high voltage spark.
  1. Condenser (Capacitor):
  • Located parallel to the breaker points.
  • Prevents arcing across the points and helps in the rapid collapse of the magnetic field in the coil.
  1. Ignition Switch:
  • Allows the driver to turn the ignition system on and off.
  • Controls the flow of current from the battery to the ignition coil and other components.


  1. When the ignition switch is turned on, current flows from the battery to the primary winding of the ignition coil.
  2. The breaker points open and close, interrupting the current flow and causing the magnetic field in the ignition coil to collapse.
  3. This rapid collapse induces a high voltage in the secondary winding of the coil.
  4. The high voltage is routed through the distributor to the appropriate spark plug.
  5. The spark plug ignites the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber, powering the engine.

The battery and coil ignition system is straightforward and effective, providing reliable ignition for internal combustion engines.

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