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Battery positive voltage” (B+) typically refers to the electrical potential or voltage present at the positive terminal of a battery or within a vehicle’s electrical system.

Definition and Usage:

  1. Designation: In automotive and electrical engineering contexts, B+ is a standardized term used to identify the positive terminal of a battery or a point in a circuit where the voltage is at or near the battery’s nominal voltage level.
  2. Electrical System:
  • Automotive: In vehicles, B+ is crucial for powering various electrical components, including the starter motor, ignition system, lights, and other accessories.
  • General Electrical Systems: Beyond automotive applications, B+ can apply to any system where a battery or power source is used, indicating the positive terminal’s potential.
  1. Voltage Level: The specific voltage level at B+ depends on the type of battery or power source used:
  • Lead-Acid Batteries: For a standard 12-volt automotive battery, B+ would typically be around 12 volts when fully charged.
  • Other Systems: In different applications, B+ might vary based on the system’s requirements, ranging from low voltage in small electronics to higher voltages in industrial or specialized equipment.


  • Identification: B+ serves as a clear designation in wiring diagrams and electrical schematics to indicate the positive side of the power source or battery.
  • Safety and Handling: Understanding B+ is critical for safe handling of electrical components and connections, ensuring proper installation and maintenance procedures.


  • Wiring and Diagrams: In electrical diagrams, B+ is often labeled to show where positive voltage should be connected or where power distribution begins.
  • Testing and Diagnosis: Mechanics and electricians use B+ measurements to diagnose electrical issues, verify circuit integrity, and ensure proper voltage supply to components.


“Battery positive voltage” (B+) is a standard term used to denote the positive terminal voltage of a battery or a reference point in an electrical system where positive voltage is present. Understanding B+ is essential for proper electrical system design, maintenance, and troubleshooting in automotive and various other applications requiring reliable power supply.

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