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In trucker slang, bear bait refers to a leader or a truck designated to attract the attention of police officers, specifically highway patrol officers (often referred to as “bears” in reference to Smokey Bear). Here’s a breakdown of the term:

Key Points:

  1. Definition:
  • Trucker Slang: Bear bait is used among truck drivers to describe a truck that leads a group or convoy of trucks.
  • Purpose: The term implies that this leading truck might attract the attention of police officers, potentially drawing them away from other trucks in the convoy.
  • Origin: The term plays on the idea that this truck is baiting or luring the “bears” (police officers) away from other trucks by being more visible or engaging in actions that could attract law enforcement attention.
  1. Usage:
  • Example: “Looks like Road Dog is the bear bait tonight,” suggests that the truck from the Swift company is leading the convoy and may be the focus of police attention due to its position or actions.
  1. Context:
  • CB Radio Communication: Trucker slang like “bear bait” is often used in CB (citizens band) radio communication to convey information about law enforcement presence or convoy organization.
  • Awareness Strategy: Designating a truck as bear bait can be a strategic maneuver to mitigate risks for other trucks in the convoy by diverting attention away from them.


In trucker slang, bear bait refers to a leading truck in a convoy that might attract the attention of police officers, diverting their focus from other trucks. The term stems from the practice of referring to police officers as “bears” due to their hats resembling those worn by Smokey Bear. It reflects a strategic awareness of law enforcement presence among truck drivers navigating highways.

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