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Bending rolls, also known as plate bending rolls or roll benders, are large machines designed to bend and shape metal plates and sheets into curved or cylindrical forms. Here’s a detailed description of their features and operation:

  1. Structure:
  • Bending rolls typically consist of three rollers arranged in a triangular formation.
  • One roller is positioned above the workpiece (top roll), and two rollers are positioned below the workpiece (bottom rolls).
  • The bottom rolls are usually adjustable in relation to each other to accommodate different thicknesses and types of metal.
  1. Operation:
  • The metal plate or sheet to be bent is placed between the bottom rolls.
  • The top roll is then adjusted to apply pressure and gradually bend the metal as it passes through the rolls.
  • The distance between the bottom rolls determines the radius of the curvature applied to the metal.
  1. Types of Bends:
  • Cylindrical Bends: Bending rolls are commonly used to create cylindrical shapes by gradually curving the metal sheet around the top roll while maintaining pressure from the bottom rolls.
  • Conical Bends: Adjusting the position of the bottom rolls relative to each other can create conical shapes in the metal.
  1. Applications:
  • Metal Fabrication: Bending rolls are essential in industries such as manufacturing, construction, shipbuilding, and aerospace for forming metal components like pipes, cylinders, tanks, and structural elements.
  • Versatility: They can handle a wide range of metals, including steel, aluminum, copper, and alloys, depending on the machine’s capacity and specifications.
  1. Features:
  • Hydraulic or Mechanical: Bending rolls may be operated manually, hydraulically, or electronically depending on their size and intended use.
  • Precision Control: Modern bending rolls often include digital controls and displays for precise adjustment of bending parameters such as roll position, pressure, and speed.
  1. Maintenance:
  • Regular maintenance and lubrication of the rollers and moving parts are crucial to ensure smooth operation and prolong the machine’s lifespan.
  • Operators must adhere to safety protocols due to the large forces involved in bending metal.

In summary, bending rolls are powerful machines used in metalworking to shape flat plates and sheets into curved or cylindrical forms. Their ability to handle various metals and produce precise bends makes them indispensable in industries requiring custom-formed metal components.


  • Press brake
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