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Bessemer pig iron refers to pig iron that has been processed to reduce its phosphorus content using a Bessemer converter lined with basic refractory material. Here’s a detailed overview of Bessemer pig iron:


  1. Bessemer Converter:
  • A Bessemer converter is a large, barrel-shaped furnace used in the steel-making process.
  • It is tilted to receive the molten pig iron, and then air is blown through the molten iron from the bottom through tuyères (nozzles).
  1. Basic Refractory Lining:
  • In the basic Bessemer process, the converter is lined with basic refractory materials, typically made from dolomite or magnesite.
  • This basic lining helps to neutralize the acidic impurities, particularly phosphorus.
  1. Dephosphorization:
  • The blowing of air through the molten pig iron oxidizes the impurities.
  • Phosphorus is oxidized and combines with the basic lining to form a slag, which is removed from the furnace.
  • This process effectively reduces the phosphorus content in the pig iron, making it more suitable for further refining into steel.

Characteristics of Bessemer Pig Iron:

  1. Reduced Phosphorus Content:
  • Phosphorus is a detrimental impurity in steel as it makes it brittle. The Bessemer process helps to reduce its content significantly.
  1. Improved Quality:
  • The resulting pig iron has a better chemical composition for subsequent steelmaking processes.
  1. Suitability for Steel Production:
  • Bessemer pig iron is more suitable for conversion into high-quality steel compared to untreated pig iron.

Historical Context:

  • Henry Bessemer: The process was developed by Sir Henry Bessemer in the 1850s and revolutionized steel production.
  • Economic Impact: The Bessemer process allowed for the mass production of steel, which was essential for the industrial revolution.


  • Steelmaking: The primary use of Bessemer pig iron is as a raw material for steelmaking. It undergoes further refinement to produce various grades of steel.
  • Construction and Manufacturing: The steel produced from Bessemer pig iron is used in construction, manufacturing of machinery, transportation (such as railways and ships), and various other industries.

In summary, Bessemer pig iron is a crucial intermediate product in the steelmaking process, known for its reduced phosphorus content and improved suitability for producing high-quality steel.

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