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Bitumastic is a type of elastic cement specifically designed to protect steel surfaces. It is commonly used as an alternative to traditional paints for various protective coatings.

Key Characteristics:

  • Elasticity: Provides flexibility, allowing it to accommodate the expansion and contraction of the steel surface without cracking.
  • Durability: Resistant to weathering, chemical exposure, and physical wear.
  • Adhesion: Adheres well to steel surfaces, forming a strong bond that helps prevent corrosion.
  • Application: Typically applied as a thick coating, often in environments where steel is exposed to harsh conditions.
  • Composition: Made from bitumen (a form of petroleum) combined with other ingredients to enhance its protective properties.


  • Steel Protection: Ideal for coating steel structures like bridges, tanks, and pipelines to extend their service life.
  • Waterproofing: Often used in applications where steel is exposed to moisture to prevent rust and deterioration.

Bitumastic provides an effective protective layer that helps ensure the longevity and integrity of steel components in various industrial and construction applications.

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