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True” has several meanings, both as an adjective and a verb:


  1. Accurate or Correct: When something is described as “true,” it means that it accurately represents reality or conforms to a standard or expectation. For example, a true statement is one that accurately reflects facts or truth.
  2. Authentic or Genuine: In another sense, “true” can mean genuine or authentic, as opposed to false or counterfeit. For instance, a true friend is someone who is sincere and loyal.
  3. Aligned or Straight: In contexts such as carpentry or engineering, “true” can refer to something that is properly aligned, straight, or correctly adjusted. For example, a true edge is perfectly straight and even.


  1. To Adjust or Align: As a verb, “to true” means to adjust or align something so that it fits or functions correctly. For example, truing a bicycle wheel involves adjusting the spokes to make it perfectly round and balanced.
  2. To Make Accurate: It can also mean to make something accurate or correct. For instance, truing data in statistics involves adjusting or correcting data to eliminate errors or biases.

“True” encompasses various meanings, including accuracy, authenticity, alignment, and correctness. Whether used as an adjective or a verb, it implies something that is accurately made, correctly adjusted, or genuine in nature.

See Related Term:

  • Out of true
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