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True and level paving” (T&L) refers to a road construction process where the roadway is paved with asphalt concrete to ensure it is accurately leveled and properly drained:

  1. Purpose: The primary goal of true and level paving is to raise low spots on the road and re-establish a proper crown. This helps to ensure that water drains off the road efficiently, reducing the risk of water pooling and improving overall ride quality.
  2. Asphalt Concrete Paving: During the true and level paving process, asphalt concrete is used to pave the road surface. This material is applied to the road in layers to achieve the desired level and slope.
  3. Adjusting Low Spots: Low spots on the road surface are identified and filled with asphalt concrete to bring them up to the proper level. This helps to create a smooth and even road surface that is free of dips and depressions.
  4. Establishing Crown: The crown of the road refers to its slightly curved shape, which allows water to drain off to the sides. True and level paving ensures that the crown is properly established, promoting effective drainage and preventing water from pooling on the road surface.
  5. Surface Treatment: Once the true and level paving process is complete, the road may receive a surface treatment to further enhance its durability and appearance. This treatment may involve the application of a sealant, coating, or additional layer of asphalt.
  6. Duration: True and level paving typically takes several days to complete, depending on the size and complexity of the project. It involves careful planning and execution to ensure that the road surface is accurately leveled and properly drained.

True and level paving is an essential aspect of road construction that helps to create safe, durable, and smooth roadways for motorists. By addressing low spots and establishing the proper crown, this process improves drainage and ride quality, contributing to overall road performance and longevity.

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