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  • Drainage Ditch: A drainage ditch that drains water away from roads and road ditches.
  • Roadside Turnout: A place at the side of a road where vehicles can pull off the roadway and stop.

Key Points

1. Drainage Ditch

  • Purpose:
  • To manage water flow by diverting water away from the road surface and road ditches.
  • Prevents water accumulation on the roadway, which can lead to erosion, damage, and hazardous driving conditions.
  • Design and Location:
  • Typically located adjacent to roads.
  • Constructed to carry water from the road surface to a safer drainage area.
  • Can vary in size and shape depending on the volume of water it needs to handle and the topography of the area.
  • Benefits:
  • Enhances road safety by reducing water on the road surface.
  • Extends the lifespan of the road by preventing water damage.
  • Helps prevent erosion and protects the surrounding environment.

2. Roadside Turnout

  • Purpose:
  • Provides a safe area for vehicles to pull off the road and stop.
  • Useful for rest, viewing scenic areas, allowing faster traffic to pass, or addressing vehicle issues.
  • Design and Location:
  • Found on the sides of roads, especially on highways and scenic routes.
  • Can be paved or unpaved, and may be equipped with amenities like benches, trash cans, or informational signs.
  • Benefits:
  • Improves traffic flow by allowing slower vehicles to pull over and let faster vehicles pass.
  • Enhances safety by providing a designated area for stopping.
  • Offers a place for drivers to rest and reduce fatigue, contributing to overall road safety.


  • Drainage Ditch Turnout:
  • Located alongside rural roads where water runoff from surrounding land could accumulate on the road surface.
  • Constructed to channel water into a nearby natural watercourse or drainage basin.
  • Roadside Turnout:
  • A scenic turnout on a mountain road, providing a place to stop and view the landscape.
  • A turnout on a busy highway allowing vehicles with mechanical issues to safely pull off the road.

A turnout can refer to either a drainage feature designed to manage water runoff and protect road integrity or a roadside area designated for vehicles to stop safely. Both types of turnouts play crucial roles in road safety and maintenance.

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