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The underfloor mid-engine design is a specific layout where the engine is positioned underneath the floor of the passenger compartment, typically between the front and rear axles. This design was notably introduced in the Toyota Previa minivan.

Key Points:

  • Location: The engine is located below the passenger cabin, centrally positioned between the front and rear axles.
  • Vehicle Examples: First introduced in the Toyota Previa minivan, this design can also be found in other specialized vehicles.
  • Design Objective: Aims to optimize interior space, improve weight distribution, and enhance vehicle stability.


  • Interior Space: Maximizes passenger and cargo space by relocating the engine below the floor, allowing for a more spacious cabin.
  • Weight Distribution: Achieves a better front-to-rear weight balance, enhancing handling and stability.
  • Lower Center of Gravity: The engine’s low placement contributes to a lower center of gravity, improving driving dynamics and reducing body roll.


  • Minivans: Primarily used in minivans like the Toyota Previa to offer a spacious and versatile interior without compromising on handling.
  • Specialized Vehicles: Can be found in other vehicle types where interior space and weight distribution are critical factors.

Design Considerations:

  • Cooling System: Requires efficient cooling solutions since the engine is enclosed and airflow might be restricted.
  • Maintenance Accessibility: Maintenance and repairs can be more challenging due to the engine’s placement, necessitating specialized access points and tools.
  • Safety: Ensures that the engine’s location does not compromise passenger safety, particularly in the event of a collision.

Notable Features:

  • Flat Floor Design: The underfloor engine allows for a flat or nearly flat floor in the passenger compartment, enhancing comfort and usability.
  • Noise and Vibration: Proper insulation and mounting are required to minimize noise and vibration entering the cabin from the engine below.
  • Heat Management: Effective heat shielding and management systems are essential to prevent heat from affecting the passenger compartment.


The underfloor mid-engine design is a strategic layout aimed at optimizing interior space and vehicle dynamics by positioning the engine below the passenger compartment, between the front and rear axles. This design, introduced in vehicles like the Toyota Previa minivan, offers several benefits, including better weight distribution, increased interior space, and a lower center of gravity. However, it also requires careful consideration of cooling, maintenance accessibility, and heat management to ensure optimal performance and passenger comfort.

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