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The Volatile Organic Fraction (VOF) refers to the organic portion of diesel particulate matter, determined through vacuum evaporation. Here’s a breakdown of its characteristics and composition:


  • Organic Fraction: VOF specifically identifies the portion of diesel particulate matter that is organic in nature.
  • Determined by Vacuum Evaporation: The VOF is quantified through a process of vacuum evaporation, which separates volatile components from diesel particulate matter.

Composition and Characteristics:

  • Organic Material: The VOF primarily consists of organic compounds present in diesel exhaust emissions.
  • Possible Inclusion of SOF: Depending on the exact analytical procedure used, the VOF may include the Soluble Organic Fraction (SOF) as well.
  • Potential for Sulfate Particulates: In some cases, the VOF may also contain sulfate particulates, which are primarily composed of hydrated sulfuric acid and exhibit volatility under vacuum evaporation conditions.
  • Variable Composition: The composition of the VOF can vary based on factors such as engine type, fuel composition, and operating conditions.

Analytical Procedures:

  • Vacuum Evaporation: The determination of VOF involves subjecting diesel particulate matter to vacuum evaporation, which separates volatile components from non-volatile ones.
  • Analytical Variability: Different analytical procedures may yield varying results for the VOF, potentially including different fractions of organic material and sulfate particulates.


  • Emissions Characterization: The characterization of VOF is important for understanding the composition and properties of diesel exhaust emissions.
  • Regulatory Compliance: VOF measurements may be used for regulatory compliance and monitoring of diesel engine emissions, particularly in relation to air quality standards and pollution control efforts.


The Volatile Organic Fraction (VOF) of diesel particulate matter refers to the organic portion determined through vacuum evaporation. It may include organic material (SOF) as well as sulfate particulates, depending on the analytical procedure used. Understanding the composition and characteristics of the VOF is important for assessing diesel engine emissions and ensuring regulatory compliance with air quality standards.

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