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  • Definition:
  • WD-40® is a proprietary water-repellent spray and multi-purpose lubricant developed by the WD-40 Company.
  • The name “WD-40” stands for “Water Displacement, 40th formula,” reflecting its original purpose as a water displacement compound.
  • Composition:
  • WD-40® is composed of various lubricating oils, solvents, and corrosion inhibitors.
  • Its exact formula is a closely guarded trade secret.
  • Functions and Uses:
  • Lubrication:
    • WD-40® is commonly used to lubricate moving parts, such as hinges, locks, and mechanisms, to reduce friction and wear.
    • It can penetrate and loosen rusted or stuck components, making them easier to manipulate.
  • Water Displacement:
    • Its original purpose was to displace moisture and prevent corrosion on metal surfaces.
    • WD-40® can be applied to protect tools, equipment, and machinery from rust and corrosion, especially in humid or wet environments.
  • Cleaning and Degreasing:
    • WD-40® can be used as a solvent to dissolve grease, grime, and adhesive residues.
    • It is effective at removing dirt and contaminants from surfaces.
  • General Maintenance:
    • WD-40® has numerous household and industrial applications for general maintenance and repair tasks.
    • It is widely used by mechanics, technicians, and homeowners for its versatility and effectiveness.
  • Application:
  • WD-40® is typically applied by spraying directly onto the surface to be lubricated, protected, or cleaned.
  • It can be sprayed in small amounts for precise applications or used more liberally for broader coverage.
  • After application, excess WD-40® can be wiped away with a clean cloth.
  • Variants:
  • The WD-40 Company produces various formulations and versions of WD-40® tailored for specific applications and industries.
  • These may include specialized products such as WD-40® Specialist Penetrant or WD-40® Specialist Contact Cleaner.


  • WD-40® is a versatile and widely used maintenance product with applications in various industries and households.
  • Its ability to lubricate, protect against corrosion, and clean surfaces makes it an essential tool for maintenance, repair, and DIY tasks.

Safety Precautions:

  • While WD-40® is generally safe for use, users should follow manufacturer instructions and safety precautions provided on the product label.
  • Proper ventilation and personal protective equipment (PPE) should be used when applying WD-40® in enclosed spaces or with prolonged exposure.

In summary, WD-40® is a trusted and widely recognized brand of water-repellent spray and multi-purpose lubricant, valued for its versatility, effectiveness, and convenience in various maintenance and repair applications.

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