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  • Chemical Formula: C6H4(CH3)2
  • Description: Xylene is a colorless liquid belonging to the aromatic group of hydrocarbons.
  • Production: It is typically produced from the catalytic reforming of certain naphthenic petroleum fractions.
  • Applications:
  • Motor and Aviation Gasoline Blending: Xylene is used as a high-octane blending agent in motor and aviation gasoline.
  • Solvents: It serves as a solvent in various industrial and commercial applications, including paint and coatings, adhesives, and cleaning agents.
  • Chemical Intermediates: Xylene is used as a chemical intermediate in the production of various chemicals and materials, including plastics, resins, and synthetic fibers.
  • Petrochemical Feedstock: Xylene is highly valued as a feedstock in the petrochemical industry for the production of other chemicals and materials.
  • Isomers: Xylene exists in three isomeric forms:
  • Orthoxylene
  • Metaxylene
  • Paraxylene
    These isomers have slightly different chemical properties and are often separated for specific industrial applications.
  • Environmental Impact:
  • Xylene is highly photochemically reactive and can contribute to the formation of smog when present in tailpipe emissions.
  • It is considered a volatile organic compound (VOC) and can have adverse effects on air quality and human health when released into the atmosphere.
  • Safety Considerations:
  • Xylene can pose health risks if inhaled, ingested, or absorbed through the skin. Exposure to high levels of xylene vapor can cause dizziness, headache, nausea, and respiratory irritation.
  • Proper handling, storage, and ventilation are essential when working with xylene to minimize exposure and mitigate risks.

Xylene is a versatile chemical with various industrial applications, but its use and environmental impact require careful consideration and management to ensure safety and minimize adverse effects on human health and the environment.

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