Day 30
Update on the clutch saga, it was a design change from California Clutch however if you want the original design you will have to call and specify it. I spoke with California clutch about this issue and the jist of it is a cost/performance type deal from a manufacturing stand point – I’ll leave it at that. California Clutch does have an option to put new pads on my old disc, but I’ll try out the new design. I’m sure the new one will be fine for my driving.
I wanted to tq the clutch pressure plate today but realized that my blue thread locker was actually high strength red thread locker in a blue tube…dammit. I need the blue one which lets you break it loose easily. For now I have the clutch and pressure plate lined up, everything looks good and the new 6-puck matches the old wear pattern.
I got a bunch of small fuel fittings in but I’m still waiting on the special pieces I ordered to clear the front water pump housing. Other parts were the new rock auto performance brake kit (I know – but you should see my current brakes !!!!!!) and a positive and negative terminal boards for my gauges and lighting.
I installed the sec turbo inlet pipe – looks cool.
I finally got the primary fuel rail done. I installed the fuel injector diffusers and made sure the notches lined up. You also have to be careful that they both seat all the way down !! New o-rings for the pri fuel rail to engine seal and the spacer to fill the gap. Everything went together reall smoothly and new parts should. Lastly I got the 45 degree elbow for the back of the fuel rail. I hear the FPR has a built in FPD but my CJ secondary rail has the FPD built into it so this is why I feel I don’t need the FPR attached to the rail. I will mount the FPR+gauge on the firewall.
Any thoughts and inputs are greatly appreciated.