Day 13 – Greeaaattt Succeessssss !!!!!!
So I read the Eagle One mag and wheel cleaner cleans aluminum well. I was praying that it would work and it did, so well that it also took the green coating off of the parts on the Throttle body assembly.
I also got some Alumiprep 33 if the eagle one didn’t work.
I re-cleaned all of the aluminum parts and swapped over the cable linkage from my US TB over to the JDM TB, now I have cruise control and a clean TB. The TB also had some metal shavings in it – yup its all gone now.
One thing worries me, after 2 days of sitting some corrosion reappeared on the aluminum parts. This time after cleaning I blew it dry with my compressor. Lets see how it does in a few days.